Friday, July 10, 2009

and no,
i have no great
gospel or epiphany
to confess.
the metaphysical hubris of youth
has acquired the bounty of accumulated days, I have
aged, I am less quick, less incendiary, more
stretched, more lean, more inclined
to less talk and more, much more
quarrantined thought, and
i am quite at peace
with this.

and no no, i am still quite
religious and fervent in my
embrace of all that cannot be touched (
but touched in all feeling with effort )
it's just that, i seem to have become more organic, more
homogenous, more local in my relation to
all that is
and shall always be divine.

what i mean to say is that, i much
more care for the beautiful children i see wearing
the brilliant faces of my beloved friends, much more
care for the dream of my own children, my own goodness
to a bride not yet found, and to the revolutionary pageantry
of domestic paganism, than with dwindling
intentions left
to become the understudy
for the role of god.

things are
good, life is
good, and everything that i need to be i
can. everything that i dream will and might
occur and if and when it does, do not be alarmed if
there is no poem pursuant to, that blows
the balls or tits off your soul
to confirm it.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. A wise old soul's voice... (until the "balls and tits" part😬)
