Tuesday, August 16, 2011

ignite and burn away
the beautiful ability of your soul to cry
i pray that you are here with me now
and that such attributes
are no longer needed.
focus on the pear tree
releasing its blossom
like pearls sliced thin
barely heavy enough
to slide down the back of the wind.
you bloom where you are planted
vulnerability is the seed
faith and grace become your sunlight
in the perennial whisper
of spiritual photosynthesis.
the burden has no weight
in the deep calm of space
and the tears of your heart do not fall now
but merely float
in the pilgrimage to nourish your everything.
there are secrets between stars
and you can sense it, quietly,
you can feel it between them,
like a heartbeat shared across a great distance,
there are secrets between stars
and this one is ours...

...and she was the nearest to god i had ever felt,
as if everything suddenly changed
and began to rush towards her center, the baffling
and powerful pull and and push
of an angel on fire...
my Icarus wrapped in silver thorns and velvet...
and the crazy thing about angels, you can
love them, watch them, believe in them, adore
them, but
you can never have them.

and with such weightless delight my spirit has
in knowing safely
that she knows exactly what i mean
without looking too deep
into the core of the meaning...

and i'm glad that she let go
of all that kept her nervous about us
i had always hoped that it was just a matter of time
but it's still nice
when that shit comes true...

and so we were able to share
some more blinking in our secret
nothing too spectacular, nothing life-changing,
just her comet gently resting
on the other bed in that hotel room
last saturday night,
while on the bed across from her
and in rhythm to her hum and breathing
it was 2:48 am
and i was smiling
brightly in the darkness.
little things enter.
as if led by
the most subtle
of magnetic whiskers
as if led by
tendrils of an electric anenome
or a net or a map
from the glittering fumes of falling stars.
little things enter.
through a dozen or so senses
of my human being
like perfectly carved raindrops
shot through and polished with space
and so delicate they seize
when bursting
and radiant in three hundred and sixty degree 3-D
all of me brilliant and infinite and linear
like the first gasp of creation
or glory
and i respond
like this.

i learn myself, and remember
in this experience, and reaction and it can be
the color of an afternoon in a movie, one bend
in a hum of a note in a song, faces
on people or skies or trees
through my window as i'm driving, or the bloom
and smile of a cat as it breaks into a pouring beam
of freshly laid sunlight, and it can be many other things
and so many other such little things catch
sliding around the curves and the pause
on the crest of a moment, and then
i respond
like this.

and so i remember
her smile reflected
in the crashing waves
(and spread in ribbons of moonlight,
fallen from much greater shoulders)
upon them...
and she was so young then
so pale and peach and silver
my jennifer, my charlotte, my delicious
and enigmatic alexandria...
and all of our paint colored breaths
illuminating the symphony of atoms in the ether,
and how in days like this, i sit
almost sad and beautiful, watching the careful
fingers in my mind trying to fasten
down the band-aids and silk tourniquets
around the wet edges of these things...
and the shiver of the great breath
let go in the masterpiece.

for there are no such anchors to bind this
perhaps only the thick and elegant stone of thunder
and perfectly straight edges and lines of lightning
and the magnificent storming
and tears.

and again, it is not for certain
if these were at all things
that i have seen, or
if there can be such a thing
and if at all so, it is not
for certain
how these things will change, and blur,
and sparkle in the puddy and puddles of great
and malleable truth...
oh no my dear
this is at best
only the how it is
of what i am seeing.
i was almost sad to be sober
sad because i was certain
of what i saw.
are you fucking kidding me???
did she really just forget
an entire line from our national anthem???
and while poor and dusty bodies
squat in fragile defiance in Cairo
it is Superbowl Sunday in America.

and i don't think anyone really cares
much about the middle east
or honoring the star spangled banner
up at the 81.
i had gone there to see my brother
it's his favorite dive bar, where
everyone knows his name and the drinks
are cheap enough
and the expectations low enough
the 50 bucks is enough
to make you the MVP.

and as i braced all muscles, physical and otherwise
against the heavy coat
of that kind of surrender, i couldn't help but wonder
what every person in that bar would think about
in the last few moments before they closed
their eyes

and in the end
it doesn't really matter
it just matters what
i will think about
and from the empire of my midnight pillow
i wondered perhaps
if god was agnostic
and if so
what it was thinking about right now.
you have to go your whole life
just to figure out how to live it
and thankfully
wherever you are
and whomever you are
your whole life so far
is just right now

and i've been thinking alot lately
about how to live my life
in fact
i'm doing it right now

and mostly it's some breathing and the analysis
of the moment i'm in
and then like being in a room full of mirrors
or like being inside lungs made of diamond
it becomes a reflection analyzing
the immediately precious shimmer
analyzing the moment back at me

sometimes i can trick myself
and slip
between the images
i can slip into the being
and the moment

it's so beautiful here
don't you think?
fat strips of sadness
in rugs of canopy
have settled their weight
unrolled themselves
out from the corners
and upon them i sit.

peering from this posture
watching these days, in scenes,
from the passenger seat
somewhere on the right side of my mind, I am
not sure who is driving, or possibly directing, but I am
from in here, no windows
seem to roll down.

and so I turn up
to the stars
trying to read their lips or make
eye contact, as I can no longer
hear what they are saying, wondering
if perhaps they are too far
for me to hear them, but
they do seem at least
to be quite busy chatting
and blinking with themselves, and so
with a somewhat blurred amusement ( like
being underwater or in a gaseous state ) I
quietly attempt
various strategies to squint
and eavesdrop,
but am equally content to wait
until I am them,