Tuesday, August 16, 2011

little things enter.
as if led by
the most subtle
of magnetic whiskers
as if led by
tendrils of an electric anenome
or a net or a map
from the glittering fumes of falling stars.
little things enter.
through a dozen or so senses
of my human being
like perfectly carved raindrops
shot through and polished with space
and so delicate they seize
when bursting
and radiant in three hundred and sixty degree 3-D
all of me brilliant and infinite and linear
like the first gasp of creation
or glory
and i respond
like this.

i learn myself, and remember
in this experience, and reaction and it can be
the color of an afternoon in a movie, one bend
in a hum of a note in a song, faces
on people or skies or trees
through my window as i'm driving, or the bloom
and smile of a cat as it breaks into a pouring beam
of freshly laid sunlight, and it can be many other things
and so many other such little things catch
sliding around the curves and the pause
on the crest of a moment, and then
i respond
like this.

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