Tuesday, August 16, 2011

and so i remember
her smile reflected
in the crashing waves
(and spread in ribbons of moonlight,
fallen from much greater shoulders)
upon them...
and she was so young then
so pale and peach and silver
my jennifer, my charlotte, my delicious
and enigmatic alexandria...
and all of our paint colored breaths
illuminating the symphony of atoms in the ether,
and how in days like this, i sit
almost sad and beautiful, watching the careful
fingers in my mind trying to fasten
down the band-aids and silk tourniquets
around the wet edges of these things...
and the shiver of the great breath
let go in the masterpiece.

for there are no such anchors to bind this
perhaps only the thick and elegant stone of thunder
and perfectly straight edges and lines of lightning
and the magnificent storming
and tears.

and again, it is not for certain
if these were at all things
that i have seen, or
if there can be such a thing
and if at all so, it is not
for certain
how these things will change, and blur,
and sparkle in the puddy and puddles of great
and malleable truth...
oh no my dear
this is at best
only the how it is
of what i am seeing.


  1. Skillful. A talent here, Neruda-like, probing, seeking, a frustration falling from "wet edges." Freedom, therapy of expressing without judgment a symphony of well-placed words๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ

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