Monday, March 23, 2009

if you get through it...I'm here.
if you make any further sense of you, I am
with that.
if you decide the clouds are someplace
you'd like to know, call me
I'll go.

if I can make your neck fall
back onto your back with the
fingers down the middle of your chest and
down, I will
love you, if I can whisper
the pirate volts of my hungry midnight
poems hot with the need to
scream them into your open and
swelling ear I will
be there.

if the lights pound you down back again
broken into a million melting and brilliant sparks, and you are
without sleep and sweating pure lightning from the twisting
inside of your angry and fire drenched garden, call
call on me, I will shower
your fucking incredible need with everything and every
secret favor and promise owed to me by this
this relentless and magnificent
fucking everything...

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