Sunday, March 15, 2009

this belly ache
in the center of the earth
dragging orbits
and slowing down
turn times, the
will rise again
always differently than
the day before.

and so many of my dearly beloved
feeling so dearly unloved by all things, feeling
the hands of the gods squeezing
the air from their lungs, and
between each i'm sorry
they cannot seem
to catch a breath.

i can see through their faces
behind the muscles, underneath
the nerves, below
the emotions and just before
the soul..
their perfect
and lovely beauty
and going

and there is she
so busy
making the outside pretty
that she is now afraid
to go back in, so busy
keeping everything out
that she will not let
anyone and especially
back in.
and there is he, whimpering
in the dark, unable to sleep
without waking up paralyzed, or
punching kicking pushing
all of his dream away, afraid
to rest for fear
of exhaustion.

and i smile for them, sometimes
keeping our tears safe, keeping them

and after our want
subsides, and after
the prince and the princess
have been found out, have been
discovered to be just still small children, and
alone, i
see how delicate the strength of love truly is, i
need the love, i
am love

and if only love could choose who
among us will choose to receive it, now
that would be something
to write about.

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