Monday, June 4, 2012

and im not sure if i should do anything...
send out a formal announcement?
maybe post something on Facebook?
i mean its not like theres a forwarding address
its not like you can google it
and its not like i really care,
but recently ive been slowly turning down the world
or more specifically
people in general.

i can still hear them, just less.
and the projector isnt moving so fast
anymore, i’m not
scanning the scenes
for clues anymore.
now is more
still images, careful ephemera,
just some little bits
im grateful and blessed to collect
just some little bits
trimmed off the circuits
just some precious and two
dimensional color and black
and white moments i witness
as a simple citizen
of the five senses.

but lately ive been pulling back
or leaning forward, perhaps
at the delicious ripping
of the paper wrapping
my context here.
its not the occasional toe
in the cosmic river, no
im waist deep and wading
wide and greater out
into the sparkling sizzling
voltaic flood and spill of space
and lambent forever.

so yea, kind of like
if i could take one myth and add a wish
i’ll take Noah and would preferrably hope
not to have to build the boat.
but wow, how peaceful that sounds
no people around,
all hearts, and no thumbs except my own,
so yea thats the myth and the wish
id pick
if we were choosing how we would like to exist.

and i have nothing against people
ive been lucky to know
some extraordinary ones and

some quite quotidian,
some ugly,
and some so lovely
that the meaning of beautiful
had to start over, had to
completely begin again...
but im just unscrewing some screws now
and softly snipping the stitching
off this vast tent we are all in,
so dont mind me at all,
as i tug gently on the tear,
or as i empty the pockets of the mind
ive been wearing...
time, nope, dont need that, or gravity,
here you go, and heres the lease
and here are the keys
wont need those
where there is no such thing as property
where locks and doors
are simply such silly things
simply surrounded
like anything and always
by everything
(separating nothing )

yea so not really too sure
how to put all of this, the next time
it starts to get loud, the next time
i say “ huh
oh im sorry what
yes of course im listening
who me? what have i been up to
um, nothing that matters that much,
( well ok, ive been quite alive in fact
in the aggregation of anti-sycophantic
and supertemporal apprehension
allowing my awareness to attenuate
any pestilential or prohibitive concepts
or considerations preventing my effulgent transfiguration
into edenic electrons and ebullient firmament
and the consequential ferity has been quite manifest
and strangely sybaritic,
yea so not too much really you know
just wandering well in wonder
as i winnow away from the world...”)

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